You are cordially invited
to become a part of
the Time Trader community.
To share your skills,
to build community,
to make life better for yourself
and the people around you.If you are already a Time Trader, who do you know that you can personally invite to our community? There must be people you know -- in your neighborhood, in your faith community, in your workplace -- who are good at something. Could we use their talents at Time Trader? Can we offer them a benefit as well?
Right now there are many offers: for pet care, for snowblower repair, for jewelry making, for scrapbooking and paper crafts, and many more.
And there are requests: for carpet laying, for painting, for drywall work, for baking, for clerical and computer work, as well as many others.
Do you know someone with "mad skills" as Napoleon Dynamite would say? Invite them! Research tells us that people need to be presented with the concept of Time Trader 7 times before they take action and sign up. Seven times. So keep mentioning it.
Please note that we really need "handyman" type people; people who can do minor repairs, simple home improvement projects, and general home maintenance tasks. Remind them that they need only take on the jobs that fit into their lives and schedules -- we don't want to overwhelm people but we do need more people who can do these tasks in our community. I would like to have at least 3 people with these skills become members of the time bank before the end of 2011. If you know someone who fits the description, please put them in touch with me, and remember, you can earn TD$ for each person you refer who becomes a member!
Issuing an invitation is a form of welcoming, a formal way to introduce someone to our community, and a vital method of growing our community.
So, you are invited. Now who can YOU invite?