- someone with a good singing voice
- a guitar teacher
- someone with a camera who can play paparazzi at an event
- someone to do light house cleaning
- a Spanish tutor
- someone to do babysitting and/or playdates
- motorcycle mechanic
- Macbook help wanted
- Irish fiddle lessons
- vocal lessons
- turn a kid's vocal, household item, and body-created noises into a musical, lyrical, rhythmic, or in some other way pleasing sound for his often captive audience to experience
Please note -- while some of these things could be accomplished by someone who has themselves had training or lessons in the skills, many of them also can be done by a hobbyist. Love to tinker on motorcycles and cars? Maybe you could help with the motorcycle. Have a camera that doesn't get much use? Get out to the paparazzi event and perhaps it will motivate you to start taking photos again. Were you one of those kids who was constantly making sound effects and noises with paper towel tubes and rubber bands or testing out cartoon sound effects with your voice? Maybe you are the person who can help that frazzled mom.
Please make a habit of checking in on Community Weaver periodically to see what requests you may be able to fulfill, and don't forget to put your own requests and offers out there. We are working hard to increase utilization of Time Trader this year, but we can't do that unless you are living up to the terms of your agreement, to both give AND receive services regularly. This community is only as strong as its members' relationships; what are you doing to build community for all of us?
Need help? Wondering what to do next? Email timetrader@familyservicerochester.org or visit www.timetrader.timebanks.org, log in, and get started trading!