As you're finding out, in order to gain the functions members are requesting, we've switched software platforms. To get you up and running quickly, the Getting Started guide is a must read to help you with the switch from the previous software. It'll get you logged in and answer many of the basic questions you'll have getting going in the new software.
You also need to read this Quick Start guide. This teaches you about posting offers, requests, and announcements. It also teaches you how to record transactions, indicate satisfaction with an exchange, endorsing members, creating and joining groups, and updating your account information.
For those of you that want to jump right into the mobile app, please note that
you need to set up your web based account before going to the mobile
application. Make sure you've got your new password set up, make sure
your profile looks OK, change what you feel you need to change, etc.
With that out of the way, we should talk about a couple of points about the website. The banner area after you log in now looks like this:
notice a 'Contact Us!' button on the right side of the banner, just
above the dark horizontal bar. The most efficient way to contact the
admin is through use of that button. Please be aware that our admin is
a volunteer who works a 40 hour week at a
paid job and thus cannot check emails every minute of every day. Please
allow for sufficient time for the admin to be able to see the email and
Also in the banner, you'll see buttons for
'Offers' and 'Requests' (the middle buttons on that dark bar). These
buttons take you to all offers and requests that are currently posted by
our members. From that page, you can drill down by category or select the 'Browse Offers Directory' button (there's a 'Browse Requests Directory' if you've followed the request link) if you want to see all posts for every category on a single page.
To get to your personal posts (both offers and requests), please use the links that are shown below the dark bar, just under the words 'Welcome back, <your name>' where <your name> is you. You will also see these links from your account page. They look like this:
We will go through them from left to right: Clicking on the left-most circle (with the dashed arrow pointing inward) will take you to your personal requests so you can edit or delete those requests. The next circle (with the solid arrow and plus sign), will allow you to create new requests. These arrows point into the circle to symbolize individuals asking for the members to provide something. Hovering over the symbols brings up a little text box describing where each will take you so if you forget, you can still figure out which is which.
The next two circles deal with your offers. Arrow pointing out, meaning you're offering services/time to other members. The circle with the dashed arrow allows you to manage your existing offers, the solid arrow with the plus sign allows you to add new offers.
Of mention here is that there are many more categories with which to request and offer services. This is done to help our members connect more quickly rather than browsing all posts to try to find what they need and want. For instance, a person who does odd jobs, may not be the right person to fix an electrial wiring issue but both are help at home activities.
Also, you cannot have two offers or two requests in the same category/subcategory combination. So many of the offers and requests from Community Weaver were sorted into categories in hOurWorld to ensure all posts from users were migrated completely.
You will need to search Google Play or the Apple App Store for 'hourworld' to find it and then download to your device. Once you have followed the directions above and in the guides provided, you can then go to the mobile application and use your login (email address) and new password. The mobile application is being enhanced regularly so please pay attention when your app store tells you there's an update.
What you'll see are six symbols on the page when you log in. Announcements, Offers, Requests, Search, Groups, and More. The Offers and Requests categories are set up to show the most recent of each that have been posted.
All older offers and requests are searchable in the mobile app and use of wild card characters are encouraged. For instance, someone might need a proofreader while others are offering proofreading services. Search using the term 'proofread*' to see all of the combinations.
Also, all posts are indexed every night at 2AM (Eastern) so that the posts from today are searchable after that time. So, you are not likely to see today's new posts in the mobile app until morning.
I hope you find this information helpful as you begin using the new software. Please come back often to see more detailed information about using the software.
Rob Harveland
Board Treasurer